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ACC sends list of eligible flat recipients to Housing Ministry

The Ministry has received ACC's list of eligible recipients and is currently conducting efforts to compile the final list of recipients of the flats to be granted under the previous administration's Gedhoruveriya housing scheme.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 February 2024, MVT 09:55
Fahi Dhiriulhun Corporation built flats.-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
11 February 2024, MVT 09:55

The Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) has sent a list of eligible flat recipients who do not have any further issues with their applications to the Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development.

In a statement released on Saturday, the Ministry confirmed receipt of this list. They said that the list is compiled of forms taken for investigative purposes alone, and hence, the Ministry is conducting efforts to compile the final list of recipients of the flats to be granted under the previous administration's Gedhoruveriya housing scheme.

Former President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih's administration announced the list of Gedhoruveriya flat recipients just before the the end of their term in office.

The announcement gave rise to intense public discord, alleging inconsistencies and willful wrongdoing in the allocation of flats. The complaints were subsequently submitted to the ACC, which ordered a halt on the issuance of flats.

The ACC ran a months-long investigation into the numerous allegations. Upon concluding this investigation, the ACC announced that 59.6 percent of the recipients on the list were, in fact, ineligible. They also found more instances where despite the applicant being eligible, there were numerous irregularities and issues in the applications and point allocations.

Only 20.7 percent were found to be issue free and clearly eligible for flats.

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