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President Muizzu appoints his cabinet

Mariyath Mohamed
17 November 2023, MVT 20:16
President Dr. Muizzu’s cabinet
Mariyath Mohamed
17 November 2023, MVT 20:16

President Dr Mohamed Muizzu has just announced appointments to his cabinet.

Twenty two members of the cabinet are being sworn in at a ceremony held tonight at the President's Office.

The 22 ministries include newly established ministries as well.

1. Defence Minister: Mohamed Ghassan Maumoon

2. Foreign Affairs Minister: Moosa Zameer

3. Homeland Security and Technology Minister: Ali Ihusan

4. Finance Minister: Dr Mohamed Shafeeg

5. Education Minister: Dr Ismail Shafeeu

6. Health Minister: Dr Abdulla Khaleel

7. Economic Development and Trade Minister: Mohamed Saeed

8. Fisheries and Ocean Resources Minister: Ahmed Shiyam

9. Islamic Affairs Minister: Dr Mohamed Shaheem Ali Saeed

10. Tourism Minister: Ibrahim Faisal

11. Social and Family Development Minister: Dr Aishath Shiham

12. Sports, Fitness and Recreation Minister: Abdulla Rafiu

13. Climate Change, Environment and Energy Minister: Thoriq Ibrahim

14. Housing, Land and Urban Development Minister: Dr Ali Haidhar Ahmed

15. Transport and Civil Aviation Minister: Mohamed Ameen

16. Dhivehi Language, Culture and Heritage Minister: Adam Naseer Ibrahim

17. Higher Education, Labour and Skills Development Minister: Dr Mariyam Mariya

18. Construction and Infrastructure Minister: Dr Abdulla Muhthalib

19. Youth Empowerment, Information and Arts Minister: Ibrahim Waheed (Asward)

20. Cities, Local Government and Public Works Minister: Adam Shareef

21. Agriculture and Animal Welfare Minister: Dr Aishath Rameela

22. Attorney General: Uz Ahmed Usham

The swearing in of cabinet members is being conducted just hours after the President and Vice President took their oaths of office.

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