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Maldives bans Alergo Cetirizine syrup due to hazardous chemicals

Anaan Bushry
13 November 2023, MVT 10:12
The banned fever reducing medicine Alergo cetirizine syrup
Anaan Bushry
13 November 2023, MVT 10:12

Maldives has officially prohibited the import, sale, and use of Alergo brand cetirizine syrup following the discovery of hazardous chemicals by the Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA).

Examination of a batch from Pakistan's Pharmics Laboratory revealed the presence of "diethylene glycol" and "ethylene glycol" in five-milliliter and five-milligram Alergo brand cetirizine syrup bottles.

Subsequent tests on another batch confirmed the existence of these harmful chemicals.

MFDA has imposed a ban on the import, sale, and usage of this medication and any other batches from the Alergo brand.

Importers and sellers are directed to follow proper disposal procedures for the drug as instructed by the MFDA.

Alergo brand's cetirizine syrup, commonly used for flu, cough, and fever, is typically prescribed for individuals over the age of two.

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