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Sale and use of Paediatric Paracetamol banned

Mariyath Mohamed
10 November 2023, MVT 11:19
Paediatric Paracetamol.-- Photo: India Mart
Mariyath Mohamed
10 November 2023, MVT 11:19

Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) has banned the use and sale of a paediatric paracetamol due to quality issues.

The banned medication is "paracetamol paediatric oral suspension ip 100mg".

MFDA said in a statement today that they have noticed discoloration and solidifying in units of this syrup.

MFDA stated that the sale and use of this medication is banned forthwith, until further investigations are conducted.

The medicine is usually dispensed to relieve fever and related aches in children. It is given to children of ages ranging from three months to six years.

This paracetamol is manufactured by an Indian company.

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