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Maldives government refutes Serbian President's claim

Malika Shahid
11 May 2023, MVT 22:28
Maldives Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid (L) greets Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic: The Maldives government has denied the Serbian Presidents claim that Maldives has withdrawn its decision to recognise Kosovo as an independent state -- Photo: Foreign Ministry
Malika Shahid
11 May 2023, MVT 22:28

The Maldives government has denied Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic's statement claiming that the Maldives had reversed its decision to recognize Kosovo as an independent state.

Kosovo, formerly a part of Serbia and home to a large population of Muslims, was recognized by the Maldives as an independent state in 2009 under the administration of former President Mohamed Nasheed. However, Serbia still does not recognize Kosovo as an independent state and considers it as part their country.

Earlier in January, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic claimed that nine countries, including the Maldives, had withdrawn their recognition of Kosovo. Recently, the Maldives Minister of Foreign Affairs, Abdulla Shahid visited Serbia on an official trip.

At a press conference held by the President's Office today, Spokesperson at the President's Office Miuvaan Mohamed said that the current administration of Maldives would not sever ties with any country. He confirmed that Maldives still recognizes Kosovo as an independent state.

"The Maldives has not decided not to accept Kosovo's independence. It's definitely a false claim," Miuvaan said.

The recognition of Kosovo's independence by the Maldives led to an opposition-backed no-confidence motion against the then Foreign Minister, Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, in parliament. However, the motion did not pass at the time.

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