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Maldives wraps up on Partnership Forum 2019

Ahmed Aiham
18 June 2019, MVT 23:04
Minister of Finance Ibrahim Ameer and Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid, during the press conference following the conclusion of the Maldives Partnership Forum. PHOTO: HUSSAIN WAHEED / MIHAARU
Ahmed Aiham
18 June 2019, MVT 23:04

Maldives Partnership Forum, following two days of successful discussions, concluded on Tuesday, at Kurumba Maldives.

During the Forum, details of upcoming projects carried out under the government's 100-day pledges as well as over 70 proposed projects relating to governance reform, blue economy, healthcare, education and housing were shared with partner countries and institutions.

The Forum acts as a platform to discuss with current and prospective development partners. The purpose of circulating this information is facilitating the successful implementation of the government's agenda by collecting crucial information, resources, expertise and capacity.

During a press conference held following the conclusion of the Forum, Minister of Foreign Affairs Abdulla Shahid, revealed that over USD 1 billion had been raised for development projects.

A total of five plenary sessions took place at the Forum highlighting key priority areas for development, with moderated discussions taking place with cabinet ministers as panellists.

Several Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) were signed securing grants and loans at concessional rates.

Two MoUs were signed with the Saudi Fund for Development, each worth over USD 25 million, for development of the fisheries sector and the implementation of an affordable housing scheme.

Additionally, Maldives signed an MoU in the field of Fisheries and Pelagic Fishing between Bangladesh, an agreement with the Asian Development Bank for the provision of funds to establish a national single window system for international trade, a Development Objective Grant Agreement (DOAG) with the United States and an agreement with the Japanese government for non-project grant aid under the Economic and Social Development Program.

The Forum was jointly led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance and the President's Office.

Hosted under the theme, 'Investing in a Resilient and Sustainable Maldives', the event marked the first occasion in a decade that the country has invited close bilateral and multilateral partners to deliberate on the direction of government and its main priorities.

Minister of Tourism Ali Waheed hosted a reception to mark the end of the Forum.