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Record-Breaking Daily Tourist Arrivals in the Maldives

With a record-breaking influx of 10,213 tourists from various countries, today marks the highest single-day arrival of tourists in the country's history.

11 February 2024, MVT 14:20
In 2023, Russian national Anton Pavlov became the one millionth tourist arrival to the Maldives-- Photo: MMPRC
11 February 2024, MVT 14:20

With a record-breaking influx of 10,213 tourists from various countries, today marks the highest single-day arrival of tourists in the country's history.

Tourism Minister Ibrahim Faisal extended his congratulations to all those involved in facilitating the arrival of tourists to the Maldives on this extraordinary day.

On Saturday alone, approximately 9,000 tourists touched down, surpassing the maximum daily arrivals in the last two weeks, which stood at 8,000.

Throughout this month, the Maldives has witnessed an average daily arrival of 7,300 tourists. The cumulative tourist count for the year has exceeded 200,000, marking a 14% increase compared to the same period last year.

China leads as the primary source of tourist arrivals in the Maldives, with Italy and Russia following closely as the second and third highest contributors, respectively.

China, before the onset of Covid, held the top spot for tourist arrivals in the Maldives, and this trend has resurged once again.

In an effort to boost tourism, the tourism ministry is currently in discussions regarding the initiation of additional flights to the Maldives. Currently, Beijing Capital Airlines, China Eastern, and Sichuan Airlines operate direct flights connecting China and the Maldives.

While the government's budget sets a target of attracting two million tourists this year, the tourism ministry aims higher, aspiring to welcome 2.3 million tourists in the same period.

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