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New record set for daily tourist arrivals

Last Saturday, Maldives set a new record for most tourist visits within a day with the accomplishment of 8000 tourist visits.

Aishath Shuba Solih
08 February 2024, MVT 17:04
Tourists in Maldives -- Photo: Nishan Ali/ Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
08 February 2024, MVT 17:04

A new record has been set for the number of tourists traveled to the country in a single day.

Statistics revealed by the Toursim Ministry shows that 8,000 tourists had traveled to Maldives last Saturday.

This month, an average of 7,300 tourists has visited the country daily. So far this year, 235,000 tourist arrivals have been recorded. This is a 14% increase from last year’s visits.

The highest nationality of tourists who visit Maldives at present are Chinese with 28,000 tourist visits from the country. While Italy remains the second highest with 23,000 tourist visits, the third highest number of visitors are from Russia.

India, who had been at the top of the list by the end of last year, is now at 5th place in the tourist visit market. 17,000 Indians have visited Maldives within this year.

The state budget outlines an aim of 2 million tourist visits within this year while the Tourism Ministry’s goal is to reach 2.3 million tourist visits.

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