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Adhaalath Party to contest in four constituencies in parliamentary elections

Adhaalath Party has announced that it will be presenting candidates to contest in four constituencies in the upcoming parliamentary elections. Former Home Minister Imran Abdulla will also be running for parliament through the party.

28 January 2024, MVT 13:27
Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla; the Adaalath Party (AP) leader is hopeful President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih will secure his presidential second term from the first round of elections-- Photo: Adaalath Party
28 January 2024, MVT 13:27

Adhaalath Party has made the strategic decision to vie for seats in four parliamentary constituencies.

In a press release on Monday, the party confirmed that the negotiation council had reached a consensus to allocate tickets to four candidates who submitted applications for the Adhaalath ticket in the upcoming March 17 elections.

Former Minister Imran Abdullah is contesting for the Makunudhoo constituency, and the other candidates securing Adhaalath tickets include:

Hussain Sageef, former President of Haa Dhaalu Atoll Council for Vaikaradhoo Constituency.

Ismail Hameed, former Managing Director of Hajj Corporation for Funadhoo Constituency.

Ismail Ali for Inguraidhoo Constituency.

Adhaalath Party, which was an integral part of the coalition during the previous MDP government, engaged in discussions with the party regarding a potential coalition in the parliamentary elections.

In a statement released on December 5, the party expressed its intention to conduct further meetings to explore possible joint initiatives between the two parties. While the details of subsequent discussions remain undisclosed, MDP has independently decided to field candidates for 93 parliamentary seats.