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This win will speed up development and ensure peace: President

Ruling People's National Congress held a special ceremony tonight to mark their overwhelming win in yesterday's Parliamentary Election.

Mariyath Mohamed and Malika Shahid
22 April 2024, MVT 22:27
PNC Celebrations.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed and Malika Shahid
22 April 2024, MVT 22:27

Ruling People's National Congress held a special ceremony tonight to mark their overwhelming win in yesterday's Parliamentary Election.

PNC, along with other aligned parties and independent candidates has secured a clear super majority in the 20th People's Majlis.

Interim results indicate that PNC alone has secured 66 out of the total 93 seats, already securing a majority for itself. Combined with the wins of 2 Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) candidates, 1 Maldives National Party (MNP) candidate, 1 Jumhoori Party (JP) candidate and 4 independent candidates endorsed by the party, PNC has won supermajority with a total of 74 seats.

The event was held at the Artificial Beach at 8pm tonight with a large crowd of supporters gathering to celebrate the party's win.

Besides senior members of the government and PNC officials, other contributors to the win were present at tonight's celebrations, including MNP Leader Mohamed Nazim who won the Maafannu North seat, MDA Leader Ahmed Siyam who won the Meedhoo seat, and independent candidate endorsed by the President Anara Naeem.

In victory, President calls for unity

President addresses supporters.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

President Dr Muizzu addressed the supporters, followed by a display of colourful fireworks, with the event concluding with a special prayer.

The President thanked the people for the immense support they have shown, and assured that he will work with his team to speed up development as promised.

"I want to tell our Ministers and government leaders that they are now going to have to make do without sleep. I am serious. I am determined to bring about the development the people want," the President stated.

Adding that he did not mean this literally, the President said that nonetheless, the officials would have their work cut out for them since he aimed to implement the development work at speed.

He went on to appeal for unity amongst all, beseeching to cast away political differences and work together for the greater good of bringing peace, stability and development to the nation.

"With all due respect, I call upon all political leaders and all parties to move forward and stand united despite political ideologies to bring development to the nation," he said, adding, "If we move forward in unity, it will bring joy and contentment to all".

"God willing, we will witness the day we all aspire to see, strengthening the Islamic faith in our nation, enabling the next generation to grow up with values, unity, and a strong love for the nation. I have nothing but love and respect towards citizen, everyone is important to me despite their political ideology," President Muizzu asserted.

"With this team, development work will commence at top speed with the assistance of the people. God willing, this win will bring peace and development in all aspects to the nation, which we will do by prioritizing the needs of the nation over personal gains."

"We hope that when the next generation looks back, they feel proud of the work we have done for our nation, we must begin with this aim," he said.

'Election win indicates people's trust in the President'

Fireworks at PNC celebrations.-- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru

Ahead of the event, PNC Chairperson and Special Advisor to the President Abdul Raheem Abdulla and Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Resources Ahmed Shiyam made a few remarks to State media.

Abdul Raheem asserts that yesterday's election results indicate the immense trust placed in President Muizzu by the citizens.

"The PNC parliament will work with a focus on three fundamental factors; peace, security and development," Abdul Raheem said. These words were later echoed by Shiyam.

"This is a remarkable and excellent decision by the people of the Maldives," Abdul Raheem said.

"What you will see is [the 20th People's Majlis] functioning like parliaments do in developed, modern countries," Abdul Raheem assured.

"We will put in every effort to ensure President Muizzu's pledges are fulfilled to its entirety."

Minister Shiyam also believes the results are an indication of the people's sentiments towards the President, saying, "it shows the hope, love and trust the people place in President Muizzu".

"President Muizzu has proved through his actions over the past five months that he is a man of his word, that he will work to achieve what he pledges. He has shown his sincerity."