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Saud elected Jumhoory Party's vice president

Mariyam Malsa
23 July 2019, MVT 12:57
Ahmed Saud participating in Jumhooree Party's 2018 congress. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI
Mariyam Malsa
23 July 2019, MVT 12:57

Ahmed Saud, on Monday, was elected as the Vice President of the Jumhooree Party (JP).

Saud, a nephew of JP leader Qasim Ibrahim, will now be responsible for managing the party's administrative work.

The previous JP vice president, Dr Abdulla Mausoom, resigned following his appointment as the Ambassador to Singapore.

Chairs for the party's appeal committee and Islamic committee were finalised during the same JP council meeting during which Saud was elected.

JP's chief spokesperson Ali Solih stated that in addition to electing members, the council had formally decided that all JP candidates contesting in elections would be chosen via primaries.

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