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JP branches to be established on every island

Shahudha Mohamed
03 September 2019, MVT 16:35
Jumhooree Party's Third Congress. The party announced that they will establish branched on every inhabited island in Maldives. PHOTO: NISHAN ALI/ MIHAARU
Shahudha Mohamed
03 September 2019, MVT 16:35

Jumhooree Party (JP)'s council decided on Monday night to establish their branches on every inhabited island in Maldives.

At a press conference held at JP office in Kunooz, the party's Secretary General Dr Hussain Rasheed announced that a general election will be held on November 15 to elect party members for positions at these branches.

However, there are no members of the party on some islands although JP has the third largest number of members out of all the political parties registered at Elections Commission (EC).

According to Jumhooree Party, the aim of setting up branches across the country is to increase their member count and strengthen party operations.

Hussain declared that teams from JP will travel to islands prior to the election in November.

In addition, JP's council announced that amendments will be brought to the party's charter to expand the role of Presidents and Vice Presidents elected for the branches established on the islands.

Hussain stated that following amendments, individuals who secure these positions will be guaranteed seats on the party's council.

Elections to determine Presidents and Vice Presidents will be held on January 2020. Interested candidates can contest for the positions with the signature of 50 other party members.

Following thee elections, JP stated that the party will prepare for the local council elections scheduled for April 2020 with the aim of securing a notable win.

Recently, various prominent political figures and former parliament members of opposition Progressive Party of Maaldives (PPM) switched over to JP.

Regarding this, party leader Qasim Ibrahim stated that JP is not attempting to leave the ruling coalition but increase the party's reach and influence.