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Ibu promises to develop resort in Kaashidhoo

Nafaahath Ibrahim
16 September 2018, MVT 16:48
Opposition candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu) in Kaashidhoo. PHOTO: MDP
Nafaahath Ibrahim
16 September 2018, MVT 16:48

Opposition coalition's presidential candidate Ibrahim Mohamed Solih (Ibu) pledged to reclaim land in Kaashidhoo, Kaafu Atoll, to develop a tourist resort should he win the upcoming election.

While speaking to his supporters at Kaashidhoo, Ibu declared that in a coalition-led government, they will work to expand tourism to all over the Maldives.

Ibu noted that since there are no uninhabited islands near Kaashidhoo, the opposition intends to reclaim a lagoon nearby to develop a resort.

He added that the previous Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) administration had intended to develop a resort near Kaashidhoo during their short-lived period in government.

Furthermore, the coalition's presidential candidate stated that they intend to develop resorts and guesthouses so as to provide employment within inhabited islands themselves.

Additionally, Ibu vowed to build a new school in Kaashidhoo. He assured that his government would take the islanders' needs and concerns into consideration when developing the islands.

Highlighting that Kaashidhoo is an extensively agricultural island, Ibu stated that farmers needed to be able to sell their products in a profitable way. On that note, Ibu promised to establish centres dedicated to selling agricultural products, and to provide subsidies for the farmers.

Ibu and his running mate MP Faisal Naseem both took part in this campaign trip with only a few days left for the presidential election on September 23.

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