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Ziyau removed from parliament secretariat, allegations to tribunal

Malika Shahid
22 October 2024, MVT 11:13
Hassan Ziyau
Malika Shahid
22 October 2024, MVT 11:13

Hassan Ziyau has been removed from his position as Media and Communications Director of the Parliament.

Parliament Secretariat stated that Ziyau's removal was due to a violation of the Parliamentary Service Code of Conduct, though further details were not provided.

Ziyau last shared information about parliamentary activities in the Parliament's media WhatsApp group yesterday, inviting the media to a press conference held by the opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) parliamentary group.

Before leaving the group, Ziyau sent a message, claiming that his dismissal violated Parliamentary Service regulations.

He stated that his position was not a political one and alleged that he was removed for opposing decisions made by some senior officials at the Parliament Secretariat.

Ziyau specifically mentioned four senior staff members and claimed that his refusal to sign backdated procurement requests was the reason for his dismissal, though he did not specify which procurements were involved.

He announced plans to submit his case to the Employment Tribunal, the Human Rights Commission, and the General Purpose Committee of Parliament.

Ziyau, who served for more than 13 years at Public Service Media (PSM) before joining Parliament in 2019, previously held the position of station manager at TVM.

His role at Parliament included managing media activities, preparing press releases, and overseeing the publication of newspapers and magazines by the Parliamentary Secretariat.

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