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Former Chief of Defence Force Shiyam acquitted

The court ruled on Tuesday, that there was insufficient evidence to prove the charges against Shiyam beyond a reasonable doubt.

Malika Shahid
02 October 2024, MVT 11:53
Former Chief of Defence Ahmed Shiyam
Malika Shahid
02 October 2024, MVT 11:53

The Criminal Court has acquitted former Chief of Defence Force Ahmed Shiyam of charges related to the abuse of his official position.

The State pressed charges of abusing official position against him for using an MNDF VIP Building in ViliMale' as accommodation for his father Ibrahim Shakir for a period of over one year. The State also claims that an MNDF Private rank officer had been assigned to tend to the needs of Shiyam's father.

The court ruled on Tuesday, that there was insufficient evidence to prove the charges against Shiyam beyond a reasonable doubt.

The case was initially forwarded to the Prosecutor General's Office by the Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) in 2020, following a recommendation by the then Prosecutor General.

However, ACC had previously ruled that there was no substantial evidence to prosecute Shiyam.