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Government postpones ban on small plastic water bottles to 2026

The government has decided to postpone enforcing a ban over small plastic water bottles to 2026.

Aishath Shuba Solih
01 August 2024, MVT 13:09
Plastic bottles.
Aishath Shuba Solih
01 August 2024, MVT 13:09

The government has decided to reschedule enforcing a ban over small plastic bottles which are the last items on the list of single use plastics that are banned from being imported, produced or sold in the Maldives. This is the second time that the ban has been postponed.

The circular signed and released by President Dr Mohamed Muizzu yesterday stated that production and import of water closed in 1L plastic bottles or 500ml plastic bottles or any size below 1 liters will be prohibited from December next year while market distribution is set to be banned from March 1, 2026 onwards.

The initial date determined for banning small plastic water bottles was today, which was set after the first postponement revealed by President Muizzu in a circular published in December.

A list of single use plastic products which are banned import, production and distribution in the country was compiled by the former administration of Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. The list details separate dates of ban enforcement for a total of 14 products included in the list.

Thirteen out of fourteen products in the list have now been banned.