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Homeland Security Ministry website hacked

The official website of the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology was hacked on Friday night.

Mariyath Mohamed
24 February 2024, MVT 10:44
Message displayed on the Homeland Security Ministry website after it was hacked.
Mariyath Mohamed
24 February 2024, MVT 10:44

The official website of the Ministry of Homeland Security and Technology was hacked on Friday night, with the hackers displaying a warning message purportedly from India on the web page.

The message read that it is important to remind the Maldives of the aid and assistance India has provided to the the country over the years. It said that it is disheartening to see India being disrespected through words and actions, and that it appears the country has forgotten about the aid that India has always extended to it.

The hackers issued a warning alleging that such actions from Maldives continue to occur.

Several official websites of Maldives have been hacked previously as well, from hackers claiming to originate from India.