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STELCO launches strategic action plan

STELCO's five year action plan aims to streamline objectives and enhance operations, the company said.

Ameera Osmanagic
28 October 2024, MVT 09:33
From STELCO's strategic action plan launching ceremony --
Ameera Osmanagic
28 October 2024, MVT 09:33

State Electric Company (STELCO) has launched its strategic action plan for the next five years.

The plan was officially introduced by the company's Managing Director Hussain Fahumy.

According to the company, the plan is an initiative that was developed by Fahumy after assuming leadership of the company to identify the requirements and pave way for the for the electricity, water and sewerage industry to keep pace with the development and progress happening in Maldives.

The plan was developed with the participation and guidance of the company's leadership, said STELCO.

The company also said that the plan was designed to ensure service improvement and sustainability while ensuring the trust and confidence of the people. The plan was developed by a team of experts including various technical and managerial level employees, STELCO also added.

"As part of this process, opinions and guidance of the company's management was sought, and department operational plans were put together and included in the SAP according to the views of the unit heads in the middle management and their subordinate teams," STELCO explained.

The entire framework has a total of five strategic objectives and 19 strategic goals as well as 55 targets and 96 actions.

Speaking at the inauguration, Fahumy said that the plan, which was put together with modern perspectives by educational youth is a strong foundation for the future. He also said that this plan would facilitate the company's management, and streamline its objectives, ultimately enhancing its operations.

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