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Sameer resigns as Deputy Prosecutor General

In a post on Facebook, Sameer said that Sunday had been his last day working at the Prosecutor general's Office. Therefore, he thanked everyone who had worked with him and and shared his optimism for future endeavors.

Malika Shahid
28 October 2024, MVT 16:50
Ali Sameer
Malika Shahid
28 October 2024, MVT 16:50

Ali Sameer, who held the post of Deputy Prosecutor General, has resigned from his role.

In a post on Facebook, Sameer said that Sunday had been his last day working at the Prosecutor General's Office. Therefore, he thanked everyone who had worked with him and and shared his optimism for future endeavors.

Sameer, speaking with Mihaaru News, said that he had not resigned due to any particular matter.

Sameer was appointed as Deputy PG in May, 2022.

With his resignation, only Mahmoodh Saleem remains as Deputy Prosecutor General.

The Prosecutor General will hold the authority to appoint and dismiss the Deputy Prosecutor General.

Sameer, who served as a High Court judge for over a decade and previously held the position of Chief Judge of the Civil Court, resigned from the High Court two years ago.

Sameer holds law degrees from Al-Azhar University in Egypt and a university in Malaysia, gained attention in 2020 when the High Court issued a landmark ruling where for the first time a wife was convicted of raping her husband.

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