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Boat captains fined for dangerous piloting, license withheld

Police have seized the licenses of three boat captains for dangerous piloting of speed boats. The three were also fined.

Mariyath Mohamed
08 October 2024, MVT 15:13
Still from video on social media.
Mariyath Mohamed
08 October 2024, MVT 15:13

Police have seized the licenses of three boat captains for dangerous piloting of speed boats. The three were also fined.

The case of three speedboats being piloted dangerously came to light after videos emerged on social media. Following this, the Police announced on Saturday that they were investigating the matter.

Police said that they are currently in the process of forwarding documents related to the case to the Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation, who will take official action.

Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation said that the captains of the three boats involved have been fined. However, the amounts of the fines were not disclosed.

Police earlier said that they had confirmed that the three boats had been travelling to Alif Alif atoll.

The videos on social media show two of the boats appearing to race against each other, with the third following close behind.

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