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New Ambassador of Japan presents credentials to President Solih

Fathmath Shaahunaz
03 January 2019, MVT 17:05
The new Ambassador of Japan to Maldives, Keiko Yanai (L), meets with President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. PHOTO/PRESIDENT'S OFFICE
Fathmath Shaahunaz
03 January 2019, MVT 17:05

The new Ambassador of Japan to Maldives, Keiko Yanai, presented her credentials to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Thursday.

Congratulating the new ambassador during the special ceremony held at the President's Office, President Solih expressed confidence that bilateral relations between Japan and Maldives would continue to prosper.

The president conveyed his gratitude to Japan for its continued assistance to the Maldivian people, highlighting the various schools and the sea wall of capital Male' which were developed with the aid of the Japanese government. He also expressed hopes to increase cooperation with Japan with regard to the economic development of Maldives, in the areas of infrastructure, clean energy and disaster risk management.

According to the President's Office, President Solih also conveyed his appreciation for Japan's stated intention to promote action on climate change during the G20 summit to be hosted in Osaka this year. The president hailed Japan's 'renewable energy diplomacy' to solve global energy issues, and declared that Maldives will work with Japan on the issue of climate change in the international arena, particularly in the context of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC).

During the call, Ambassador Yanai thanked the Maldivian government for her warm reception, and conveyed the greetings of the Japanese Emperor and Empress to President Solih.

The ambassador further highlighted that Japan and Maldives celebrated 50 years of diplomatic relations last year. She asserted her commitment to strengthening the friendly relations between the two nations.