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Foreign Ministry advices caution to Maldivians in Bangladesh

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a statement advising caution to Maldivians travelling to and living in Bangladesh in light of the ongoing student protests in the country.

Mariyath Mohamed
19 July 2024, MVT 12:55
Ongoing protests in Bangladesh.-- Photo: AFP
Mariyath Mohamed
19 July 2024, MVT 12:55

Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released a statement advising caution to Maldivians travelling to and living in Bangladesh in light of the ongoing student protests in the country.

The protests being staged against civil service hiring processes has heated up over the past days, with yesterday seeing buildings being set on fire and the death of about 40 individuals. The government of Bangladesh has currently shut down high schools, islamic education institutes and vocational education institutes until further notice.

The Foreign Ministry advised Maldivians to adhere by guidelines and instructions given by the Bangladesh government. They called on Maldivians in Bangladesh to refrain from being outdoors during this time and to strictly follow advice from the Maldives High Commission in Bangladesh.

They assured that efforts are being made to ensure the safety and security of students and other Maldivians residing in Bangladesh, and appealed to them to reach out to the High Commission in the instance that any assistance is needed.

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