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Youth hafiz's to lead Tarawih prayers in Naifaru

Five youth hafiz will lead Tarawih and Tahajud prayers across four mosques in the island.

Malika Shahid
01 March 2025, MVT 12:45
Lhaviyani atoll Naifaru
Malika Shahid
01 March 2025, MVT 12:45

A group of young Hafiz from Lhaviyani Atoll Naifaru have been given the opportunity to lead Tarawih prayers in the island’s mosques this Ramadan.

Naifaru Council announced via social media that five Hafiz will conduct Tarawih prayers across four mosques.

The eldest among them is Ahmed Nazil Mohamed, a legal officer at the island court and a Hifz teacher. Nazil has been deeply involved in leading prayers since the age of 17, having first led Tahajjud prayers in Naifaru before pursuing further studies abroad.

Nazil shared with Mihaaru News that while he had always aspired to memorize the Quran and serve as an imam in his home island, he only began his Hifz journey during his Sharia degree studies at Madinah University.

After completing his memorization in 2019, he dedicated himself to training the next generation of Hafiz, two of whom are among those leading Tarawih prayers this year.

This year, the youngest imams leading Tarawih prayers are two seventh-grade students, Abdulla Zakwan Mohamed Rikzan at Masjid al-Siddiq and Zalif Madeeh at Masjid al-Hadi. Grade 10 students Abdulla Hayan Hameez and Asir Areef Yoosuf will be leading prayers at Masjid al-Ghufran.

Nazil expressed pride in seeing young imams emerging from Naifaru, a community of over 5,000 people.

"I know that one day I will pass away, but I wanted to train those who will continue this work. Today is a dream come true. Seeing imams from my own island lead Tarawih and Tahajjud prayers," said Nazil, 35.

Since founding his Hifz class, Nazil has helped produce five Hafiz, with eight more students expected to complete their memorization this year.

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