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HDC announces monuments design competition

All monuments are required to reflect the beauty of "Dhiveheenge Raajje," a symbolism of values, nationalism, culture, heritage and traditions of the Maldives.

Malika Shahid
25 September 2024, MVT 12:40
Hulhumale' Monuments design
Malika Shahid
25 September 2024, MVT 12:40

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has launched a design competition for monuments to be installed at roundabouts monitoring traffic flow in Hulhumale'.

According to HDC's announcement, the monuments will enhance the landscape of Hulhumale' and will reflect the beauty of "Dhiveheenge Raajje," a symbolism of values, nationalism, culture, heritage and traditions of the Maldives.

The competition is open to artists, designers, and architects. HDC has offered a prize of MVR 100,000 for the best design submitted.

Accompanying the announcement was a guideline detailing the specifications for the monument design.

Eligibility criteria

- The competition is open to professional artists, designers, architects and students in related fields

- Individuals or teams of up to five may submit entries

- Participants must be at least 18 years of age

Design requirements

- Submissions should include concepts for all 17 roundabouts

- All monuments must not obstruct road traffic ways, views or be a safety hazard to the vehicle and pedestrian users in the area and must prioritize road safety

- Designs should be durable and low-maintenance

- No water features or electrical components are allowed

- Every monument should incorporate elements representing the theme “Dhiveheenge Raajje” (Values, nationalism, culture, heritage, traditions)

Deadline for submitting designs is October 30 with the winner set to be announced on November 14.

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