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Two injured in speedboat fire incident

Nafaahath Ibrahim
01 July 2020, MVT 17:41
The speedboat which caught fire near Thaa Atoll Guraidhoo Island. PHOTO: MNDF
Nafaahath Ibrahim
01 July 2020, MVT 17:41

Maldives Police Service on Wednesday revealed that two people were injured in a fire incident that took place on a speedboat.

As per Police, the speedboat was travelling from COMO Maalifushi to the capital city Male' with six people aboard. At the time of the incident, the speedboat was off the coast of Guraaidhoo, Thaa Atoll.

The two individuals who sustained injuries are being treated at Maalifushi resort.

The police did not reveal further details on them.

The fire was extinguished through the combined efforts of police officers and Maalifushi resort staff.

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