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WAMCO to manage waste from vessels that dock for bunkering

MPL and WAMCO inked a deal under which WAMCO will provide waste management services to ships that dock at Ihavandhippolhu for bunkering services.

Ameera Osmanagic
06 October 2024, MVT 20:55
MPL and WAMCO inked a deal underwhich WAMCO will provide waste management services to ships that dock at Ihavandhippolhu for bunkering services -- Photo: Fayaz Moosa | Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
06 October 2024, MVT 20:55

Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) has handed over waste management of ships that dock at the Maldives Economic Gateway which offers bunkering services out of Ihavandhippolhu, to Waste Management Corporation (WAMCO).

The agreement for the services was signed today. Speaking at the signing ceremony, MPL's CEO Mohamed Wajeeh said the waste management services will be provided by WAMCO in a dedicated facility developed on a nearby island. The project will benefit and increase revenue for both companies.

The North Gateway Office is currently established in Haa Alifu atoll's Uligamu.

WAMCO's Managing Director Mujthaba Jaleel said along with waste management from the ships, the company would also manage used and old items from the vessels. All generated waste would be taken to the regional waste management centre established in Kun'burudhoo, he said.

The services will commence with WAMCO employees in Kulhudhuffushi, Mujthaba also added. While waste will be transported by the company's landing craft, more job opportunities would also be created as the operation expands, he said.

So far bunkering services have been provided to one ship via the off shore bunkering services started by State Trading Organisation (STO) and Vitol. MPL will provide additional services needed by ships in the area, offering a total of 14 services through the gateway office. Most of these services are already available.

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