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Applications open for Skipper and Fishermen's Awards

Ministry of Fisheries is now accepting applications for the Skipper and Fishermen's awards.

Ameera Osmanagic
11 October 2024, MVT 16:55
Maldivian fishermen with their catch -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
11 October 2024, MVT 16:55

Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources has opened up applications for the Skipper and Fishermen's Awards, in celebration of Maldives' 44th Fishermen's Day.

According to the Ministry, applications can be submitted by fishermen themselves, or via nomination by a third party.

Categories include:

- Fishermen whose sole income is from fisheries and is active in the industry

- Most serviceable youth fisherman below the age of 35

- Most experiences fisherman aged 35 and above

- Serviceable reef fisherman who's main income comes from reef fisheries

Application forms are now available on the Ministry's website www.fisheries.gov.mv, and the deadline for submissions is 02:00 pm on 7th November, 2024.

Although the award ceremony was initially planned to be held in Baa atoll's Thulhaadhoo island, it is now set to be held in Malé City.

Every year, Maldives celebrates 10th December as the national Fishermen's Day. The last Fishermen's Day celebrations were also held in Malé.

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