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Faisal Adam appointed as Assistant Registrar at top court

Mariyam Malsa
17 February 2020, MVT 15:38
Faisal Adam being presented with his letter of appointment. PHOTO: SUPREME COURT
Mariyam Malsa
17 February 2020, MVT 15:38

Former spokesperson for the Department of Judicial Administration (DJA), Faisal Adam, was appointed as the Supreme Court's Assistant Registrar on Monday.

This marks the first permanent designation as the apex court's Assistant Registrar since all individuals that previously served in the position were hired on a temporary basis.

The post was most recently filled by the Supreme Court's legal officer, Raufa Haidhar, who also temporarily served as the Registrar from April 8, 2013 to May 7, 2014.

Faisal Adam was notably summoned to the police for questioning during the political turmoil that occurred during the administration of former President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom.

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