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Medicine import inspections strengthened amidst quality concerns

Authorities are strengthening their medicine import inspections to ensure quality of drugs imported into the country.

Ameera Osmanagic
01 October 2024, MVT 21:02
Various medications -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
01 October 2024, MVT 21:02

Authorities have strengthened its import inspections at medicine importing ports amidst concerns of quality issues with some of these drugs.

Recently, India's main drug regulator CDSCO announced quality issues with 48 medications manufactured in the country. Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA) said today that it has conducted a market evaluation to see if these drugs are on the market and on the approved drug list.

Based on the evaluation, it has been confirmed that none of the batches of the medications with issues listed by the CDSCO have been imported into the country via official import channels, assured MFDA.

However, the MFDA urged the public to be cautious as India is frequented by Maldivians for medical treatment and some bring in medications for their personal use.

"As a precautionary measure, we will continue to strengthen inspections at ports importing drugs into Maldives and take all necessary measures to prevent the entry of such drugs," MFDA's alert states.

Members of the public are encouraged to contact MFDA at 7200321 for any further information regarding medications.

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