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Maldives braces for rainy season as Southwestern Monsoon arrives

Malika Shahid
04 May 2023, MVT 14:54
Ameenee Magu Flooding due to heavy rain: The Southwest Monsoon has begun yesterday for the Maldives -- Photo: Nishan Ali
Malika Shahid
04 May 2023, MVT 14:54

According to the Maldives Meteorological Service (MET), the Southwestern Monsoon has arrived in the southern atolls of the country and is now spreading to Central Maldives.

The onset of the monsoon is determined by measuring rainfall and wind speed from May 1 each year.

The MET Office predicts that the monsoon will reach the entire country by the end of May, bringing heavy rain and wind. Typically, the Southwestern Monsoon begins in the southern provinces during the first or second week of May and gradually moves northward.

Criteria for declaring Southwestern Monsoon

- Southern provinces receive 2.5 mm or more rainfall after May 1, lasting for two or more consecutive days.

- Wind direction between southwest and west, with speeds over 10 nautical miles, lasting for two or more consecutive days.

The Maldives Meteorological Service (MET) has warned of intensifying Southwest Monsoon in the central and southern parts of the country, with wind speeds expected to reach 40 to 50 mph, causing rough seas and flooding.

Wave heights in these areas will be between 4 and 7 feet. Travelers are advised to exercise caution as seas are expected to be rough.

In recent days, heavy rains have caused flooding in some parts of the country.

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