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Culture Ministry staff seek meeting with President over harassment

Culture Ministry's employees who alleged the Ministry's acting PS of harassment and bullying have requested a meeting with President Muizzu.

Ameera Osmanagic
13 October 2024, MVT 19:49
[File] Minister of Language, Culture and Heritage Adam Naseer -- Photo: President's Office
Ameera Osmanagic
13 October 2024, MVT 19:49

Employees of the Ministry of Language, Culture and Heritage who previously came out with allegations of harassment and bullying against the Ministry's acting Permanent Secretary Athika Ibrahim, have requested an audience wit President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu.

Last month, 22 employees of the ministry signed a petition and submitted it to the Civil Service Commission (CSC). Since then, the work environment became even more hostile, with harassment being further intensified, the employees report. As such, they have now requested to meet President Muizzu over the matter.

Local media outlet Mihaaru obtained a copy of the letter sent by the employees to the President's Office on 25th September.

It details that the employees sent in the letter because their concerns have not been addressed, and because they want to protect their rights. They also highlighted that CSC had not responded to them at the time of submitting the letter.

According to the employees, their working environment continues to grow in hostility, with operations within the Ministry being divided into two factions where the employees who raised the concerns are now cast aside.

"Therefore, the staff of this Ministry, who work with the government, request a meeting with you [the President] at the earliest opportunity, to resolve this matter," the letter reads.

The letter was attached with a summary paper briefing the challenges faced by the employees within their working environment.

"As a Ministry of the government is being run anyhow like a sailboat without a rudder, [we] would like to highlight that there are employees (civil and political) who would like to resolve the situation, and further strengthen the efforts towards the Ministry's responsibilities," the paper said.

The paper highlighted the following:

- Minister of Language, Culture and Heritage Adam Naseer Ibrahim misrepresented the truth at the press conference held at the President's Office, and that there is documentation to prove this claim

- Political employees increasingly intimidating and verbally abusing civil staff

- Ministry has not complied with the government's directive to cut back expenses

- Multiple missed opportunities to attend international conferences and trainings due to delays in policy level decisions.

- Acting Permanent Secretary of the Ministry abusing her power to intimidate and hinder employees' responsibilities, claiming she was acting at the word of the Minister

According to CSC's President Mohamed Naasih, in his comment to Mihaaru last week, investigations into the complaints raised by the Ministry's employees had not been completed.

Both Athika and Minister Naseer denounced the allegations against her. An attempt by Mihaaru to get a comment from Athika was unsuccessful.

However, during the President's Office's press conference last month, Minister Naseer commended Athika's work, and said he had not received a formal complaint against her.