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FAM owes MVR 7.4 million to Island Aviation

Island Aviation has appealed to Football Association of Maldives (FAM) to settle overdue payments of MVR 7.4 million owed for bills from seven years ago.

Mariyath Mohamed
16 October 2024, MVT 13:57
FAM Extra Ordinary Congress - 8 Feb 2024
Mariyath Mohamed
16 October 2024, MVT 13:57

Island Aviation has appealed to Football Association of Maldives (FAM) to settle overdue payments of MVR 7.4 million owed for bills from seven years ago.

The company said that FAM had continued to fail to settle the payments despite continued requests.

In a letter sent by Island Aviation to FAM this month, the company noted that there are a number of bills dated from 2016 and 2017 that remain to be paid. As per the letter, FAM owes Island Aviation a total of MVR 7,426,688.94.

Island Aviation said that on many occasions, they had spoken over the phone with multiple members of FAM's former leadership, mailed invoices, held meetings, and attempted to have the bills settled.

In the letter addressed to FAM Normalization Committee Chair Ahmed Zuhoor, the company said that they still have not received the money despite all these attempts.

Meanwhile, the documents related to these trips and overdue payments are not available at FAM, Mihaaru News reports.

FAM's total debt has now risen to MVR 150 million.

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