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News / HDC

Repossession notice given only to those who default on payments: HDC

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has said that out of the flats allocated to their employees from various private housing complexes, they are now issuing repossession notices to those who have failed to settle the payments as per the agreed terms.

Mariyath Mohamed
26 September 2024, MVT 09:35
Mariyath Mohamed
26 September 2024, MVT 09:35

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has said that out of the flats allocated to their employees from various private housing complexes, they are now issuing repossession notices to those who have failed to settle the payments as per the terms defined in the agreements.

HDC assured that such notices are not being sent to any flat owners who continue to settle payments as due.

"If payments are not settled, then the flats will be repossessed within the guidelines. This has always been done," an senior official from HDC said.

According to them, the company is repossessing some flats where the full payment was made after the set deadline as well. This is because the agreement states a deadline for payment, which was not met.

In such cases, HDC will return the payments in installments split across three months, they notified the flat recipients.

The previous management of HDC has issued flats to a large number of employees, including senior staff, from private housing complexes. This includes members of the company's board of directors. This is a regular practice at the company.

Earlier in 2023, allegations circulated on social media that HDC was planning to allocate 34 apartments to their board members and some other senior staff. At the time, a list of names of said recipients had also been shared, though HDC refuted the claims then.

They said that the 34 flats were the flats left unsold after issuing flats through the 'Staff Housing Scheme' under an end user finance model.

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