The Center advised people to be cautious of suspicious listings and posts and to conduct additional research before purchasing items that appear to be good deals or are priced unusually low.
The Police Cyber Crime Center has requested increased vigilance regarding scams on Facebook Marketplace.
The Center advised people to be cautious of suspicious listings and posts and to conduct additional research before purchasing items that appear to be good deals or are priced unusually low.
Police also recommended checking the seller's profile and verifying further if the profile has limited information, is newly created, or has few friends.
Additionally, police recommend choosing "Cash on Delivery" when dealing with trusted sellers.
To protect against such scams, the Cyber Crime Center has introduced "Flash Calls" as an alternative to OTP.
"Flash Calls" is an affordable, quick call-based authentication technology. When the service provider calls or gives a missed call to the customer's phone, the last digits of that call number serve as the authentication code.
The authentication code received from the call number is similar to an OTP.
According to the Cyber Crime Center, many companies are now switching from OTP to Flash Calls with this new technology.