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Nationwide transportation link for public convenience: President Solih

Mohamed Rehan
28 September 2023, MVT 14:04
Mohamed Rehan
28 September 2023, MVT 14:04

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has said that Maldives has experienced an unprecedented level of convenience due to the Raajje-Transport Link (RTL) integrated nationwide ferry and transportation network.

He said that Maldives will witness a revolutionary milestone once all residential islands in the country are connected under the network.

President Solih, who is seeking re-election as the Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) candidate, expressed during Mihaaru News' "Walk the Talk" program that the connection of islands from the upper-north to the south has marked the beginning of a new era in transportation and interpersonal communication. He said that this initiative has brought about a revolutionary change in addressing logistical requirements within the healthcare sector and for local businesses as well.

President Solih further said that the contrast in transportation before RTL and today can be felt by anyone who visits the islands in Haa Alif and Haa Dhaalu atolls.

A high-speed ferry used by MTCC-operated RTL--

"Before [the ease], someone from Makunudhoo had spent nearly MVR 4,000 to MVR 5,000 to reach Kulhudhuffushi, within the same atoll, but today they can make the same trip under MVR 200. The people are enjoying this ease, this convenience," president Solih said.

"I believe a revolutionary change is upon us once the network connects every island across the Maldives. Businesses and local livelihood would be enhanced, and people will have ease of transport from one island to the other even for holidays. They would know the schedule of transfers without depending on another third-party agency. They can visit any island they prefer easily."

Statistics from the government indicate a total of 322,238 passengers had traveled in between the 41 inhabited islands of Haa Alifu, Haa Dhaalu, and Shaviyani atolls, with 103,026 travelers alone to Haa Dhaalu atoll Kulhudhuffushi, and significant transfers to Hanimaadhoo of the same atoll and Haa Alifu atoll Dhidhdhoo.

RTL has recently been introduced in Gaafu Alifu and Gaafu Dhaalu atolls. The Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC), the contractor responsible for the nationwide ferry network initiative, has commenced scheduled ferry operations to all 21 inhabited islands within these atolls.

After launching RTL services in Huvadhoo (Gaafu Alifu and Gaafu Dhaalu) atoll, president Solih pledged to launch the ferry service in Noonu atoll before the end of 2023.

MTCC envisions full nationwide ferry network connection by 2024.

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