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President Solih assures RTL ferry service in Noonu atoll

Mohamed Rehan
14 August 2023, MVT 13:29
President Solih is currently visiting Noonu atoll islands for his presidential campaign-- Photo: MDP
Mohamed Rehan
14 August 2023, MVT 13:29

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih said that the Raajje Transport Link (RTL) integrated national ferry network initiative has significantly contributed to transformative growth for both Bodu Thiladhunmathi (Haa Alifu, Haa Dhaalu, and Shaviyani atolls) and Huvadhoo (Gaafu Alifu and Gaafu Dhaalu atolls).

President Solih said that the next phase of this initiative is set to take place in Noonu atoll before the end of 2023. Currently on a campaign visit to the islands of Noonu atoll, President Solih said that all the necessary ferries required for the launch of operations in the atoll have already been acquired and handed over to the initiative's contractor, the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC).

The Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP) presidential candidate, who is seeking re-election, emphasized that enhancing inter-atoll and island connectivity through transportation is a fundamental policy of his administration. He further highlighted that both Bodu Thiladhunmathi and Huvadhoo atolls have experienced significant benefits from the implementation of this project.

"Unprecedented growth is assured for these islands with the introduction of RTL ferry services. We are acquiring speedboats that ensure a comfortable travel experience. Noonu atoll is poised to experience transformative progress," President Solih affirmed.

“Unprecedented growth is guaranteed for these islands with the launch of RTL ferry services. We are procuring speedboats that ensure comfort while traveling. Noonu atoll will witness transformative progress,” he said.

While speaking at Noonu atoll Lhohi, President Solih made several pledges for the island which include;

- Shore protection

- Bikini beach for tourists

- Establishing a laboratory and changing the health center to a 24/7 operational facility

- Multipurpose hall and classrooms for the school

- A youth center

- Completion of the water and sewerage system

President Solih said that when his administration came into power, basic necessities on the island were severely lacking. Highlighting the numerous initiatives undertaken to address the issues faced by the public, he reassured his commitment to ensuring that developmental projects are not limited to larger islands or cities. He emphasized that an equitable approach has been maintained in implementing development projects across all residential islands.

He called upon the people of Lhohi to re-elect him, ensuring the continuation of additional developmental projects.

"Significant change is guaranteed for Lhohi, and I have no doubt that we will receive overwhelming support from the island [in the upcoming election]," President Solih said.

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