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Maduvvari given Ufulandhoo, Meedhoo gets Thaavathaa

Ameera Osmanagic
19 February 2025, MVT 10:34
[File] R. Maduvvari --
Ameera Osmanagic
19 February 2025, MVT 10:34

The government has allocated the uninhabited island of Ufulandhoo in Raa atoll, to be governed by Maduvvari in the same atoll, while Thaavathaa, another uninhabited island there, was given to Meedhoo.

The decision was formally made via a presidential decree and was gazetted on Tuesday.

This allocation was in line with President Dr Mohamed Muizzu's pledge to the people of both Maduvvari and Meedhoo, during his recent visit to Raa atoll in January.

At the time, he said that both Maduvvari and Meedhoo had space constraints and that allocating the two uninhabited islands would boost economic activity for locals there.

It would also provide a small solution to the space constraints faced by the island, he said.

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