A constitutional case has been submitted to the Supreme Court by former MP for Kendhoo constituency and lawyer Ali Hussain seeking to revoke the constitutional amendments that were recently brought.
A constitutional case has been submitted to the Supreme Court by former MP for Kendhoo constituency and lawyer Ali Hussain seeking to revoke the constitutional amendments that were recently brought.
The court has not yet decided on accepting the case.
Hussain said that he had submitted the case because the recent amendments contravened the Constitution and the fundamental structure of the Constitution.
The amendment states that a parliament member who was elected through a specific political party will lose their seat if, within the term, they change parties, are dismissed from their party, or leave of their own volition. It further states that independent members of parliament will lose their seats if they join a political party within their term.
Furthermore, an amendment was brought to the stipulation that a public referendum must be held when amending important articles of the Constitution that relates to citizens, stating that if this is to amended, a public referendum also has to be held.
Also amended was the article relating the Exclusive Economic Zone, stating that any changes can be brought to it through a public referendum.
The Constitution was further amended so that any foreign military personnel will now require parliamentary authorization to be active in the country for any purpose besides training activities.
All these amendments to the Constitution was submitted by ruling People's National Congress MP for Hulhudhoo Mohamed Shahid.