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News / PPM

EC declares PPM Congress invalid

Rae Munavvar
03 October 2018, MVT 13:55
Rae Munavvar
03 October 2018, MVT 13:55

The Elections Commission (EC) declared on Wednesday that the recently held Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM)'s Extraordinary Congress was 'invalid' due to a failure in its procedural undertaking.

The commission came to the decision after reviewing documents it received regarding the congress held on September 28.

According to EC, the congress was held without completing the procedures stated in the party charter and, thus, cannot be considered as legitimate.

During the congress held behind closed doors, President Abdulla Yameen Abdula Gayoom was declared as PPM's new leader, while four vice presidents and council members were also appointed.

Furthermore, PPM passed an act on how the party will proceed as the opposition after the new President-Elect Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on November 17.

Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom had also expressed concers about the congress and filed a letter at the EC, detailing his concerns.

According to Gayoom, rushing to host a congress without giving much notice deprived many members of the opportunity to apply or campaign for the various posts in the party. He also noted that a congress cannot be held without the approval of PPM's council, which, as per Gayoom, no longer has the authority to approve as their term expired in January.

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