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Assistant Commissioner of Police Shifan transferred to Service Development Directorate

Moosa previously held the position of Regional Commander for Noonu, Raa, Baa, and Laamu atolls. After his term expired, he was transferred to the Service Development Directorate.

Malika Shahid
22 October 2024, MVT 14:37
ACP Ahmed Shifan and Moosa Ali
Malika Shahid
22 October 2024, MVT 14:37

Assistant Commissioner of Police Ahmed Shifan has been transferred from the Police Commissioner’s Office to another department.

The changes were officially announced yesterday afternoon on the police's internal online platform, "Intra," which is used to disseminate internal information and discussions.

According to the announcement, Shifan has been reassigned to the Service Development Directorate. Assistant Commissioner of Police Moosa Ali, who previously oversaw Service Development, has been appointed as the head of the Police Commissioner’s Office.

Although Shifan currently serves as the police spokesperson, a new spokesperson will be appointed soon.

Moosa previously held the position of Regional Commander for Noonu, Raa, Baa, and Laamu atolls. After his term expired, he was transferred to the Service Development Directorate.

Shifan was appointed head of the Police Commissioner’s Office in December last year. He was previously stationed at Addu Police Academy.

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