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News / HDC

HDC to publish names of its debtors

HDC urges its debtors to repay all dues by November.

Ameera Osmanagic
21 October 2024, MVT 19:40
Headquarters of HDC based in Hulhumalé --
Ameera Osmanagic
21 October 2024, MVT 19:40

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has decided to publish the name of its debtors.

In an announcement today, HDC said that all parties who have not paid their dues for commercial services, allocated properties and properties which are under development, are required to clear all outstanding payments by November this year.

Those to fail to meet this deadline will be given a further notice, however, with their names and owed amounts published in detail on the company's website, HDC also said.

HDC said this is part of the company's efforts to strengthen its operations.

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