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ACC requests to press corruption charges against Naif Shaukath

ACC wants to prosecute Naif and another former official of the Housing Ministry over corrupt practices in selling a government land.

Ameera Osmanagic
14 October 2024, MVT 09:59
Former Deputy Minister at the Housing Ministry, Naif Shaukath --
Ameera Osmanagic
14 October 2024, MVT 09:59

Anti Corruption Commission has requested the Prosecutor General's Office to press corruption charges against former Deputy Minister at the Housing Ministry Naif Shaukath for selling a land plot owned by the government via the Veshifahi Programme, in 2018.

The Commission said today that along with Naif, they have also requested former coordinator at the Ministry, Hassan Waheed, to be prosecuted.

The pair are accused of abusing their official capacity for illegal gain.

According to ACC, despite the owner of the land adjacent to the government land having requested to purchase the government's plot, it was sold to another party whose plot was much further away. This was in violation of the Veshifahi Malé programme's policies, said ACC.

ACC said that the heirs' situation was not considered despite it being a requirement as per the policy. The investigation also revealed that this was done to provide an undue advantage for the party who purchased the land, the Commission said.

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