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New regulation will ensure no unfair political influence over housing: Usham

The state has determined to propose a bill to the parliament in order to regulate housing issues. The bill will stipulate conditions for applicants and structures for housing providers to ensure fair housing opportunities and eliminate political influences.

Aishath Shuba Solih
14 February 2024, MVT 08:46
Hiya Flats in Hulhumale' Phase 2
Aishath Shuba Solih
14 February 2024, MVT 08:46

Deputy Attorney General, Ahmed Usham said that with the introduction of the housing regulation that the state is making efforts to implement, the allocation of housing flats and lands through political influence will end and equal housing opportunities will be ensured.

Within the improvements deliberated to be made in less than 100 days of President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu’s appointment, a bill about housing standards that regulates housing projects that will be sent to the parliament for approval is included.

The State has determined to send the bill to the parliament within this month.

Addressing the first bill proposed to fit the State-issued housing opportunities into a regulated structure, Usham shared with Mihaaru that the highest priority by the government is currently on this bill and that the purpose of the bill is to enforce principles and rules to the housing schemes provided as extendable by the state’s resources to the people in need of housing.

The bill is drafted to mandate all housing schemes such as state-run housing projects, council-run housing projects as well as projects contracted by the State to private companies to proceed within the stipulated standards stated in the regulations.

The Deputy Attorney General shared that housing categories are also stated in the bill alongside the most fundamental characteristics of Social Housing and Affordable Housing Schemes. Furthermore, the conditions for applying for these housing flats are also stipulated, he said.

“The regulation determines the conditions for housing allocation. This will put an end to each government coming to power and enforcing their own conditions. The most underprivileged are missed more often than not due to each government stating their own specific conditions. It does not proceed in an equal and fair manner,” said Usham.

“The solution can be found through having it written down in law like this. Housing will be offered to people who pass the conditions stated in the regulation from there onwards.”

Usham further stated that a mandate is issued to the Housing Ministry to conduct a research on housing and that a register of people in need of housing must be compiled following the research. This register will indicate individuals in need of housing including people with financial instabilities, people living in small spaces, people will disabilities, alongside single mothers and fathers, said Usham.

Husham added that this register will be updated yearly.

“With this bill, many solutions will be brought to housing issues. A fair and good solution. Housing will be ensured to the people most in need,” Usham assured.