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Valencia passes no confidence motion against Azmeen again

Following Commissioner of Sports' ruling that the removal of Azmeen as Valencia Chair was invalid, the club has repeated the vote. Despite invitation, Commissioner Tholal did not attend the meeting.

Mariyath Mohamed
19 January 2024, MVT 14:48
Club Valencia Board meeting 18/01/2024
Mariyath Mohamed
19 January 2024, MVT 14:48

Club Valencia has held a management committee meeting last night where they passed no confidence motions against Chairman Abdulla Azmeen and another member.

The meeting was chaired by Vice Chairman Ilmau, and was attended by members Hassan Waheed, Mamdhooh, Ameez and Mibah.

The club extended an invitation to Commissioner of Sports Mohamed Tholal to observe the proceedings, but he did not attend.

Valencia has recently been divided into two factions over rifts between the management. The Club provided letters of endorsement to two candidates running in the FAM elections, each signed by a leader supported by a separate faction. FAM rejected both letters, based on FIFA regulations that a club may only endorse a single candidate in the election. This led to the club submitting documentation to the Sports Commission, claiming to show that Chairman Azmeen has previously been removed from his position.

Last night's vote has been taken after the Commissioner of Sports ruled the Club's previous dismissal of Azmeen as invalid, as the meeting where the decision was taken was believed to be held against club regulations.

The Commissioner said at the time that the valid committee running the Club is the one elected on December 11, and registered at the commission fifteen days later, on the 26th.

That committee is made up of Chairman Abdulla Azmeen, Vice Chairman Ilmau Hussain Ibrahim (Mau), Director of Finance Hassan Waheed (Dhona), members Yoosuf Rameez, Ali Mamdhooh, Misbah Mohamed, Mohamed Rafiu and Ismail Asif (Kuda Heena).

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