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69 undocumented immigrants detained: Immigration

11 February 2019, MVT 20:33
Immigrants who were screened by Maldives Immigration. PHOTO: MIHAARU
11 February 2019, MVT 20:33

Maldives Immigration announced on Monday that following an investigation among 80 immigrants, 69 of them were undocumented and residing in Maldives.

Spokesperson for Immigration Hassan Khaleel revealed the 11 immigrants identified to be residing in the country legally, were released after the exercise had concluded, while the rest were detained.

The operation to locate and take in illegal immigrants off the streets commenced on last Wednesday near Zikura Mosque and Gadi Buru area.

“Among those released are immigrants who were passing by, who were not carrying identification on their person and thus couldn’t provide confirmation at the time. However, once their legality was determined after screening, they were released”, Khaleel said.

The authority is now in the process of transporting those determined to be illegal immigrants back to their respective countries.

“They are illegal immigrants who do not possess up-to-date work visas”, Khaleel disclosed.

In addition to the capital city Male', Maldives Immigration has planned to conduct operations to locate illegal immigrants residing in other local islands as well.

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