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Hulhumalé to feature colourful cultural festivities this Eid!

HDC, Dhiraagu and Sheesha will be collaborating to host special Eid activities in Hulhumalé.

Ameera Osmanagic
12 June 2024, MVT 08:26
[File] Previous Eid celebrations in Hulhumalé -- Photo: Mihaaru
Ameera Osmanagic
12 June 2024, MVT 08:26

Housing Development Corporation (HDC) has begun preparations to host a series of festive cultural activities to celebrate the upcoming Eid al-Adha in Hulhumalé.

The corporation revealed that a special 'My Hulhumalé Eid Ufaa Powered by Dhiraagu' event will be held in the city, with Dhiraagu and Sheesha as their main sponsors.

The three day event will feature various activities and games showcasing the rich culture, including:

- Commencement of Eid activities on the eve of Eid (15th June)

- Cultural activities such as 'Maali Parade', Koadi Kendun' and 'Bodumas Dhuvvun', which is a traditional Eid event where locals gather to make a giant fish from thatched palm leaves and typically put on a show of fisherman catching the big fish, and other cultural events will be held on 16th and 17th June

- Dhiraagu Eid Show with live music featuring local talent.

HDC also revealed that one lucky winner to attends the activities would stand the chance to win a 160 cc Air Blade motorcycle from Sheesha Maldives.

While Eid prayer will also take place in Hulhumalé, there will be separate locations for Hulhumalé Phase 1 and 2. In Hulhumalé Phase 1, the prayer will be held at the synthetic track while Phase 2's prayer will be held at the cricket stadium.

Dhiraagu will also be hosting a special Eid Bondibaiy [traditional sweet rice dish] after the prayers at the synthetic track, said HDC.

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