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MMPRC loses case in High Court seeking USD 2.5 Million

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) has lost the case in High Court where they were seeking USD 2.5 million (MVR 38 million) from Millennium Capital Management Pvt Ltd.

Mariyath Mohamed
11 June 2024, MVT 16:33
Mariyath Mohamed
11 June 2024, MVT 16:33

Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation (MMPRC) has lost the case in High Court where they were seeking USD 2.5 million (MVR 38 million) from Millennium Capital Management Pvt Ltd.

MMPRC had filed a case against Millennium Capital Management stating that they had failed to pay back USD 2.5 million from USD 5 million issued under a promissory note in 2014 and a loan of USD 1.5 million.

However, Civil Court ruled in 2019 that there is insufficient evidence to prove the claim, and hence Millennium Capital Management cannot be ordered to pay back the funds.

MMPRC then appealed the case at the High Court.

The High Court ruling in the case yesterday said that MMPRC has been unable to say in court how the Civil Court verdict contradicts the law.

They further said that although a document which was not presented to the Civil Court earlier was submitted to the High Court by MMPRC who requested the Civil Court be ordered to conduct a retrial, MMPRC had the opportunity to present it to the Civil Court during the initial trial itself.

It said that MMPRC had not provided a reason for not having submitted the document to Civil Court earlier. Hence, High Court said it cannot consider this new evidence and order a retrial.

The High Court's three judge bench hence ruled unanimously that no changes need to be brought to the Civil Court verdict.

The bench of judges were compiled of Judge Hassan Shafeeu, who was the presiding judge, alongside Chief Judge Hussain Shaheed and Judge Mohamed Faisal.

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