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Decision to bring youth centers under Sports Ministry revoked

Owing to appeals by Councils currently managing youth centers due to expenses and efforts extended on repairing the sites by them, Sports Ministry has revised their decision to bring the youth centers under the Ministry's authority.

Aishath Shuba Solih
02 April 2024, MVT 12:08
A youth activity center with a billiard table. -- Photo: Nishan Ali / Mihaaru News
Aishath Shuba Solih
02 April 2024, MVT 12:08

The decision to bring youth centers run in local islands under the jurisdiction of Maldives Ministry of Sports, Fitness and Recreation has been revoked.

A statement released by the Ministry on Monday stated that youth centers that play an important role in facilitating sports opportunities and advancing the field was determined to be transferred to the authority of the Ministry on the 15th of March due to the need for repairs owing to their desolate state.

The Ministry said at the time that these centers had been destroyed beyond use due to negligence.

However, the Ministry had settled on annulling the decision due to the appeals of various local councils requesting to reverse the decision in relation to the significant efforts and substantial expenses extended by some councils on repairing the youth centers.

Currently, councils are managing youth centers in 41 islands.

The aim of the Sports Ministry is to include the funds required for the repairment of the youth centers in next year's annual State budget and renovate the centers enough to facilitate service. The Ministry had further announced that they will expend efforts to offer essential training to staff employed at youth centers in collaboration with councils in the upcoming days as well.