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Suspension of MIFCO Managing Director Shamah extended

Mariyath Mohamed
01 April 2024, MVT 09:58
-- Photo: Mihaaru
Mariyath Mohamed
01 April 2024, MVT 09:58

Privatization and Corporatization Board (PCB) has extended the suspension of Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) Managing Director and CEO Ahmed Shamah Rasheed.

Shamah's initial suspension was due to end at the end of March. However, on Sunday, March 31, PCB announced that the suspension has been extended till April 12.

PCB stated that although under suspension, Shamah is entitled to salary and allowances.

Ahead of Shamah's suspension, PCB sent a letter to MIFCO highlighting twelve points. However, Shamah maintains that PCB did not notify him ahead of his suspension and that he remains unaware of the reasons behind his suspension.

PCB Vice President Mohamed Firaz stated that the allegations against Shamah were received through their whistleblower portal. Hence, they are unable to name who submitted the complaints, but have received numerous documental evidence and messages supporting the claims.

Firaz said that these include 9 summary issues, with five different allegations being made against Shamah. This includes the use of MIFCO premises for campaign activities during the election, as well as issuing gift hampers. There is also a matter of expending over 1.3 million on trips, and securing jobs for individuals with familial connections to him.

Firaz explained that the current suspension is not action taken against these offences, but rather an act of temporary removal from the post while the investigation proceeds so as to ensure there is no undue influence exerted on the investigative process.

Some parliamentarians have criticized the PCB regarding Shamah's suspension, alleging PCB has not followed all procedures in the matter. They say that the allegations do not justify a suspension.

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