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State publishing information on own initiative is very low: iCOM

Monitoring conducted by iCOM and Transparency Maldives indicate only 7 out of 935 State institutions have proactively disclosed information. These 7 offices are two city councils, four independent institutions and the Drug Court.

Mariyath Mohamed
03 March 2024, MVT 13:12
Information Commissioner Ahid.
Mariyath Mohamed
03 March 2024, MVT 13:12

Information Commissioner's Office of Maldives (iCOM) has stated that it has observed the level of the State institutions publishing information on its own initiative is significantly low.

The office said under the Right to Information Act, some categories of information are required to be disclosed proactively by State institutions.

iCOM said that a research conducted by the office and Transparency Maldives into how much the State has published this necessary information, only 7 out of 935 offices have published all the information required by law.

These 7 offices are two city councils, four independent institutions and the Drug Court, iCOM revealed.

The office further noted that websites to disclose information on are published by 494 institutions, with 47 percent institutions not having dedicated websites at all.

The least number of websites were observed in the health service sector, with only 9 out of 22 hospitals having their own websites. While there are 164 health centres in operation, not a single one has a dedicated website, iCOM observed.

Five political parties were also monitored in this research, and were noted to be significantly low levels on information disclosure.

Out of 53 offices run under various ministries, 40 were observed to have dedicated websites.